Cry me a river

I know this is a vry touchy subject but was just wondering how many of the Audiogoners have been overwhelmed by a particular piece of music and have shed a tear or two?

If you could give the information about the music that would also be great which actually would go down as music which could touch your soul in a way no other has. We may just compline a list of "Most touchy music that you have heard"

For me it has been the following:

Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven

Once upon a time:
If you leave me now - Chicago
I'm not in love - 10cc

Showing 1 response by jrwr7

Hey Y'all,

Jennifer Warnes, "Somewhere, Somebody", from "The Hunter"
Jennifer Warnes, "The Well", from "The Well"
Ironically, I heard both of these songs for the first time at The HE Show in NY. The first in '02, if I remember correctly, and the other this year and yes, upon listening to each them for the first time, I wept like a baby.

Lyle Lovett, "She’s' Already Made up Her Mind", from “Joshua Judges Ruth"..........John