Crossover Redo on my Amrita Audio Floorstanders

Hello all, I have a pair of Amrita Audio Reference Standard speakers. Research shows they were likely built in 1993 or so. I would like to redo the crossovers. The speakers measure 15"x16"x49" and they contain a 13.5" cast frame woofer, 2 Dynaudio 6.5" midranges and a Vifa metal dome tweeter. Is the best way to do this to just buy the exact same value parts (capacitors, resistors and inductors) and just choose the middle of the road choices? I don't want to skimp on the redo but I want to increase the quality of the existing crossovers. I set a budget of $500.00 on the component list. I came in at just slightly under that on the Parts Express website. How would I know if the measured values of the components chosen at the factory in 1993 are the exact numbers that I should use? These speakers are too large to ship to Danny Ritchie so I thought I would throw this question out there for your opinions. I am new to this but I have a friend who is able to solder and assemble everything. Unless there are other recommendations. I'm all ears. Thanks, Dan


Showing 1 response by ervikingo

@carlsbad2 i love what you with your crossovers. I’ve thought about doing something similar on my IRS Beta. Like someone wrote Infinity crossovers are wonky!