Crossover questions

Well, the fact is that I am in the unlikely situation of my girlfriend WANTING a second system in my house. When we remodel the family room, she wants an A/V setup in there. That includes buying a nice(Lovan, VantagePoint, etc.) rack, and filling it with things like a tv, vcr, dvd player, amplifier, etc. She has been really into looking at racks and speakers lately. So, I told her that I can build a better pair of speakers than would ever be in the budget. I used to play around in this hobby a fair amount, but those days are a few years in the past. Now, I am faced with designing/building a pair probably in the next six months. My tastes, opinions, and views about audio have changed a lot since my speaker hobby days. Mostly in the realization that less is more, and that tubes appeal to me. That is why I am approaching all the great members of this site with my questions. I will build a pair of speakers that are definitely tube friendly. Maybe even take that to the next level. Very easy to drive. I think I will probably go with two midranges, because I am thinking about wiring them in series. The reason being the impedence would be doubled. Has anyone ever designed such an arrangement? I will run them flat out, with no capacitors, inductors, or resistors in the circuit. Moreover, I am considering wiring the entire crossover in series. Does anyone have experience in this area? I recognize that this was the way things used to be done a long time ago, and there aren't many of the proponents of the design around these days(other than Bud Fried). But everything old is new again. I do see renewed interest in series crossovers, so want to at least consider it. Bud is local to me, so I am thinking about contacting him. However, his designs were anything but easy to drive. I am also pondering whether or not I should use additional woofers on the low end. If I do that, I will equip them for biwiring, and may have to use a beefier amp on the bottom end. My most profound thank yous to all in advance for any opinions offered, Joe.

Showing 1 response by herman

Check out the article by Harvey "Gizmo" Rosenberg in the August Listener about electronic crossovers and hooking speakers directly to your amps. Not exactly what you are talking about but an interesting approach that I intend to try. He also has a web site This guy is a little, well maybe way off the wall, but he always has interesting ideas.

If you aren't going to use any capacitors, inductors, or resistors in the circuit, how do you intend to construct your in-series crossover?

I agree that less is more. I recently upgraded to a high end turntable with the money I got from my monster tube amps and 3 way megabuck speakers, and switched to SET amps and efficient 2 way speakers. This is definitely the most musical system I have yet assembled. Good luck with your project.