Crossover issue.

I have two identical crossovers... 1 left 1 right.
Every capacitor, coil etc... Are identical in make, value, etc and have just been redone by a reputable audio engineer.
Problem is the mid-bass section of the crossover has the right channel 8-10 db louder throughout the entire band 150 - 1500 hz. as compared to the left.
Ideas or opinions?

Thanks in advance.

BTW... I have 5 items for sale currently... Check then out. Amp, Sub, 3 sound processor units.

Showing 2 responses by dewmonster

Thanks for all your responses.
I feel like the gentleman who discussed the resistors is probably on track.
That seems to describe it perfectly.
Oldhvymec ...
It is a 4 way so the mid is actually 1500 - 3500
Then tweeter 3500 up.
Thanks again all. 
Mr. Shill
The resistor in that circuit checked out however a bank of 5 capacitors had only 3 connected... Perhaps broke during shipping.
Since there would be more bandwidth going through there that would probably make it louder too correct?
I soldered the broken wire, but will not have a way to check the SPL until I reassemble.
It does seem like that would do it though, agreed?