Critical subwoofer tip

I assume that everyone already knows the importance of phase matching a sub to the main speakers but it’s a little more complicated than simple 90 degrees or 180. The B&W sub that I have has four choices. In every case there has been a definite correct position that can be non standard. My current setup shined at 270 degrees vs the std positions. It’s completely obvious and the other choices would not have been satisfying. 
From my lengthy experience I would want a subwoofer with several phase choices. I personally don’t see how one could seamlessly integrate the mains and the sub without this flexibility. No one asked but i thought this info might be useful to anyone purchasing a subwoofer. YMMV
Is there another way to figure out the optimum phase except to listen?  Maybe use an SPL meter at the overlap frequency, play the same program material at the same volume setting, and then set the phase at whichever setting achieves the highest SPLs?
Your suggestion is how lots of people try to figure out where to set the phase.

TAS suggests doing what you’re saying, but reverse your speaker cables so your mains are out of phase first. Using an SPL meter takes any guessing out of the equation, it's that obvious.

Here’s the reasoning sent by Rythmik in their setup sheet:

"Here’s what’s happening when you follow this procedure. By reversing the polarity of the main speakers, you’re putting them out of phase with the subwoofer. When you play a test signal whose frequency is the same as the subwoofer’s crossover point, both the sub and the main speakers will be reproducing that frequency. You’ll hear minimum bass when the waves from the main speakers and subwoofers are maximally out of phase. That is, when the main speaker’s cone is moving in, the subwoofer’s cone is moving out. The two out-of-phase waves cancel each other, producing very little bass. Now, when you return your loudspeakers to their proper connection (putting them back in-phase with the subwoofer), they will be maximally in-phase with the subwoofer. (It’s much easier to hear the point of maximum cancellation.) This is the most accurate method of setting a subwoofer’s phase control. Unless you move the subwoofer or main speakers, you need to perform this exercise only once"
New to this forum. Hello All. I would add this:  ybe happy if you can hear the difference cause tweaking the placement or the phase makes audible differences. No argument against science except this is empirical. There are those that can’t hear the difference and those that can. End of story. 
I have a question for people who have phase controls for their subs. How do these work?
see ieLogical SubterraneanHomesickBlues

Most Phase controls are All Pass filters. They don't affect all frequencies equally. see

To properly integrate a 'generic' sub controls for Level, Phase, Polarity, Crossover Hz & Order are required. Delay is icing on the cake. Bespoke subs mating to a specific set of mains may get by with fewer controls.

MC's response is nonsense. But I repeat myself.
Thanks @golfnutz I get it and their reason to listen for minimum bass makes sense.  I suppose with two subs, the method would be to measure and adjust each sub separately, one at a time.