Critical oppositions made using inadequate equipment.

Is it really possible to critically estimate tt or cartridge characteristics using for example cheap monitor speakers or other weak component in the system ?

Showing 1 response by danvignau

One audio guru, Nelson Pass of Threshold and Pass Labs fame, uses what most of us would deem to be really substandard speakers to test his changes.that his best sounding speakers do not. Even my current telvision speakers, B&W DM 14's I bought new in 1981 show differences between some excellent tuners I have tried (Kenwood KT-917, Sansui TU-707/717, and B&K TS-108), as well as differences between very good phono cartridges.  The limiationts of these speakers is shown when trying to tell the substantial difference between an Audire Diffet 2 or 3 pre-amp, but I doubt Nelson has that problem.  Also, many mobile van mixers used little Rogers LS series speakers for setting controls when recording.  These use the same Celestion mid-tweets and Coles Super tweeter as the KEF that B&W co-opted to improve the KEF crossovers, which they replaced  to make B&W's first speakers  teh early DM models.  These used not only the aforementioned drivers, but even the KEF, wide cabinet British tax evading, ovalish woofer.  So! I say YES!