crimping vs soldering

I have read in more than one place crimping connectors on speaker wire is better that solder. Any opinions on this from anyone?

Showing 2 responses by infinity_audio

Lower resistant on crimping, higher on soldering.
More solid & safe connection with soldering and crimping wires might fall and cause a short, short can also damage your system. Cheap solder also degrades sound quality. Use silver 4% solder. If you know you can crimp strong enough, use chrimp, DONT TOUCH THE BARE WIRES WITH YOUR OILY MOISTY HANDS WHILE YOU TRY TO CRIMP THEM, use a pair of gloves! Also dont expouse the bare wire.
Oh also, if you solder, do not over-do it with too much solder, completely melt the solder, try to eliminate fake-solder connection (soldered point which the solder looks like it's melted all the way, but not) it will fall off. and because they are not melted and the connection is bad, hum, buzz, bad sound will also appear..