Crimping Furutech FP203R spades

Hi All,
Quick question; Have any of you crimped Furutech FP203(R) spades, what did you use for a crimping tool?
Thanks for any input, these are very nice spades, heavy duty! My Klein rachet crimpers are no match for the FP203(R) spades.

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Hard without a picture but the result is hexagonal, the same shape as the dies.  There may occasionally be a bit of the spade material that squeezes into the edges where the two die pieces come together but I have never had a crimped spade come apart or fail in any other way.  The end result should look sorta close to the Cardas forged connection.

You may be using too small of a die for the wire/connector that you are crimping.

Check out this video that provides some guidance on selecting the die size as well as showing what a finished crimp should look like.  You may consider practicing on a few throw-away pieces to get the hang of things.  Good luck.