Cremona M vs. Pioneer/TAD s-1ex

I'm interested in hearing from those of you who have compared these against each other. I have plenty of power (McCormack DNA 500), a large 24x22x9 room, and a CJ ET3-se tubed preamp. I listen to all kinds of music, especially female vocals. Thanks!
The same dealer also carries Focal, Magico, Thiel, Usher, NHT, PSB, Sonus Faber, Paradigm, Dynaudio and Monitor.

I have been privileged to hear the Focal- Grande Utopia EM, Stella Utopia EM, the Magico- Q5, Q3, Thiel- CS2.7, CS3.7, Magnepan- 20.7, B&W- 800 and 802 Diamond, Martin Logan- CLX, Wilson- Sophia, Dynaudio- Evidence Master and Sapphire. I have a pretty good idea of what some of the main contenders are doing and how they sound compared to one another.

The Pioneer/TAD speakers have nothing to be ashamed of.
Very interesting post Tom6897. I remember (vaguely) that some years ago I have listen in the same room on the same electronics the Focal Electra 1027Be and the Pioneer S-1EX speakers. To me the Pioneers sounded much better even though they were significantly cheaper. Very underrated speakers!
I have a dealer who carries both. I have only listened in a showroom environment. I preferred the Pioneer S-1EX.

IMO, They had better drive and extension. Very clear and transparent. I like the way they propel the music and give it a constant rhythm and flow. They should sound fantastic with the McCormack which I have also owned with Dynaudio speakers. Pay attention to matching your other components. They are quite reveling of upstream equipment. Watch the rake angle as well, they have a built in tilt that may need adjusting to suit your seating position.

The SF was a fine speaker and I cannot fault it, however, it is not for me or my listening taste at this time.

Caveat: Make sure you really like them/keep them. Resale is not that great on the Pioneer branded product. The SF will hold their value.