Creek CD43 v. Linn Genki v. Cairn Fog v. Cary 308

possible throw in the Theta miles

System:Stan Warren Modded Pio F727 - ASL 1003DT - VMPS 626Rw/FST
Music: Mostly Rock, some jazz and others

I have read about all I can about these players. I was set on the Creek CD43 mkII but the thing is impossible to snatch up used. The only player I have heard is the cary. It was nice but I would like a little more emotion in the highs. Its PRAT seems to come from the bottom end.

What Im looking for is great PRAT, yet still being a detailed player and having some warmth and a emotion in the highs and mids. Looking for a lively player.

What do you guys think of these players, I would like to know more details on the fog. I find very mixed views on the Genki. The Cary is pretty good, but I feel like Im settling a bit. I know Im looking at around a $900 max budget but hopefully I can find what Im looking for. Any advice or input?

Showing 2 responses by jh2os

I would vote for the Cairn Fog v.2. I own one and love it. It definitely has PRaT. I compared it with Naim - known for PRaT. The Cairn was just as good, but was more emotional at the same time. It just drew you into the music. I have not heard the other players you mentioned, but I have put the Cairn against many, and it always comes out on top IMO.
Greg, the Cairn seems to portray the music almost in a 'live' presentation - a you-are-there sort of way. It is a very exciting and emotional experience. It retrieves so much detail while going nowhere near sounding bright or harsh in the upper end. It has a 'warm' sound to it, but not overly tube-warm. It presents bass with a heft in lower octaves and human voices that makes them seem visceral. It does have PRaT, but it builds on that and adds Power to the Pace, Rightness to the Rythmn and will have you Toe-Tapping with the Timing. I've heard the upper 2% and lower 2% done better, but never something as right everywhere in between with the other 96% of the spectrum. In one word - Emotional, and for me that is the most important. You may be able to find more accurate, but you would be hard pressed to find something that draws you into the music as much as this player does at the price level. At least in my humble opinion and in my set-up.