Creativity on artists I dislike

I hope you recognize this list:

Cock Jocker;

Pop Singer (Guess who dat? :))

Christina Uglyera 

Diana Krill

Pelvis Resly

Pee Street Band

Share if you have any of yours in mind!


Showing 2 responses by judsauce

@shtinkydog   I am still ony ass recovering from total uncontrollable laughter at your band names. Totally funny and entertaining.


@tony1954  I think it's all in good humor and these days we all could use a laugh 🤣 

Herbie cockhand

Louis strongarm

Frank snotra

Kool and the fangs 

The four pops

Sly and the family's loan

Butt hole snerfers

Cold slay

Talking deads

Taylor Whif


The rolling gnomes

Amy beerhause 

Aretha's funking

James hound 

Average white bread

Parliament and the funkaholics

Emerson lake embalmer