Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Other options perhaps, are pro-natural immunity people who are health care professionals. Who see no responsible reason to get vaccinated with any potential side effects, despite what you have been lead to believe.

Pro-vaccination health care professionals who have seen cases that are being reported not on the media sources you sir are getting, in regards to the Covid vaccines, specifically.

But we do know it’s not George Sorrows, Bilderbergers, or supply chains, thanks to recent revelations.
i concur with this excellent post...

I am glad that i dont need to say anything else about this matter and perhaps some are glad too....  😁😊😎
This is the way half clever teenagers tend to see it
Labelling. Very clever MC. I expected better.
4,822,761 people in the world have lost the natural immunity gamble with Covid-19.
4,822,761 people in the world have lost the natural immunity gamble with Covid-19.
Is prejudice blind you a bit?

These people a great number of them are dead much more so because available cheap treatment were censored and the wrong treatment, when all are  waiting for a miraculous  vaccine, were applied....Remember also that vaccines for the last year was for rich countries mainly.... This is a fact....

and the virtue of natural immunity are like the virtue of vaccine immunity scientific facts to ponder on a fine scale benefits/risks...

Then dont cherry pick the facts especially if you want going on with the thinking process.....

Thinking is a process where the premisses most of the times are in great numbers and the conclusion out of reach if we dont play with the right premisses in the right order....

Vaccines are part of the solution NOT THE ALL AND ONLY MIRACULOUS solution, save in the head of hypnotised people....And sorry but there exist available treatments from the begiinning...Guess why you dont know it yet....

With a virus which mutated a lot: vaccination for the at risk people and treatment prophylactic and for the first stage of the disease are mandatory....

Making Mass vacination mandatory and censoring prophilaxy and treatment are so stupid and criminal i am speechless....Speechless because like in audio matter people buy the hype....

«Audiophilia is a disease i cure myself with simple acoustic»-Groucho Marx 🤓