CP-700 Classe Pre-Amp

I was also looking at the CP-700 pre or a tubed pre.
Any comments on the CP-700?

Showing 5 responses by tboooe

I used to own this great pre. By far, it has the slickest user interface and best build quality of any component I have ever owned. The extra user features are also quite good. I still miss these aspects of the CP-700. As for the sound, I would characterize it as pure Classe...smooth and easy, with not a hint of glare or etchiness on the top and a very nice controlled bottom end. This is not the fastest, most dynamic pre out there but it is an outstandingly neutral unit. What speakers and amps do you plan on using?
Sally, I used to own a Audio Research Ref 3 preamp as well and preferred the Classe. Keep in mind that most Audio Research preamps have a high-ish output impedance so you may want to make sure your amps input impedance is a good match.
Sally, I now have the MBL 5011 preamp. I think MBL makes some great sounding electronics. The classe CP-700 is my second favorite pre I have owned (with the MBL being my favorite). I find your comment about the post B&W acquisition interesting. I have read good things and have had nothing but good experiences with the Cp-700. As I said before, the build quality is excellent, the user features very handy, and the sound is smooth, controlled, and neutral. I have no complaints. In fact, I was thinking very seriously about getting another CP-700 before I got my MBL.
Sally, it would be very helpful if you could describe the sound you are getting now, and the sound you want to achieve.

SIM gear is very neutral and transparent. I find it a bit too clinical. I think RAZA described BAT gear well. It definitely does not sound tubey at all, in fact I thought it sounded very solid state, with an incredible bottom end.