CP-700 Classe Pre-Amp

I was also looking at the CP-700 pre or a tubed pre.
Any comments on the CP-700?

Showing 5 responses by sallycaine

My system consists of: Verity's "Fidelio" speakers, Audio Research "CD-3" CD player, Classe "CAM-200" mono amps and Classe "CDP-47.5" pre-amp.
I weas also looking at a used Audio Research "Reference MKII" pre.
What pre did you end up going with?
I've heard great things about the old Classe gear..but, since B&W bought them....the reviews and comments haven't been very good.
I appreciate your info.
Thanks to both of you.
My only problem is that we don't have an ARC dealer in town..only a BAT dealer. The nearest ARC dealer is 4 hrs away. I've heard good things on the BAT VK-31SE and 51.
MBL is great gear..but, no dealer is within 10 hrs to take a listen.
I was also looking at SIM Audio's intergrated Moon i-7 and their Super Nova CD player.
I hear it's a 'killer' combo.
Have you heard any comments?
Thanks for the inputs.
I,too, have read great reviews on the i-7 and will be buying one in the next month. I have also heard that the Super Nova can sound a bit bright...therefore, I'll probably upgrade my ARC CD-3 or get another killer tube CD player.
A used CD-7 might work.
I really like that the i-7 has a 10 yr. warranty.
I own CAM-200 mono's. You really can't beat Classe.
I've enjoyed these mono amps for 4 yrs. now.
Thanks for your thoughts. Sally