6 feet apart should not be a problem at all. In fact, ideal is only 7ft. apart. 7ft. speakers-to-chair is a little tight, but it should work okay. 9ft. would be much better.
Most good speakers will require as much room. Thus I don't know how high I'd put this criteria vs. other aspects. You can always treat the room w/some roomtune panels, etc. to help offset the small space, and tame some of the reflections. Cheers,
6 feet apart should not be a problem at all. In fact, ideal is only 7ft. apart. 7ft. speakers-to-chair is a little tight, but it should work okay. 9ft. would be much better.
Most good speakers will require as much room. Thus I don't know how high I'd put this criteria vs. other aspects. You can always treat the room w/some roomtune panels, etc. to help offset the small space, and tame some of the reflections. Cheers,