Couple of Line Conditioners...

Hi - So have had my gear plugged into a Welborne Labs, Gatekeeper for a long time with really great results. PCs are Audience PowerCords all around into tube amp, tube pre and tube DAC. Streamer plugged into the Gatekeeper as well. Picked up a couple of PS Audio, Ultimate Outlets yesterday just to try and mix things up. Also have a PS Audio outlet in the wall and use an incredible Ventus Audio PC to connect the Gatekeeper and now the UOs. I’m kinda disappointed in the PS Audio units... they are the upgraded High Current models too. Guess my question is - anyone use one or both of these to connect their system? What were your findings. All pieces are over 10yrs old but they seem HQ and as I stated, the Gatekeeper has been a wonderful piece for a long time. - B



Showing 1 response by mwh777

I once had an old PS Audio conditioner called the Quintessence and a couple of their in wall mini conditioners, don't remember the name of them. Didn't like any of them. I think the nickel plating and  the "high purity brass" used for the conductor material both are not desirable choices for a receptacle. The Maestro receptacle is made with a brass alloy and is popular. I have some of them along with some Oyaide R-0 all copper, un-plated receptacles that I'm happy with.