Counterpoint SA-5000 with two monoblocks Threshold SA2e

Hello folks,
With heavy heart today I heard from the Audio Research customer service that Fets for the older SP premaps are no longer available. You could personally use a transistor selection device and measure each Fet out to its specs, but it would cost you and arm and a leg and probably more than AR preamps were now.

Has anyone out there obained a Counterpoint premap and used a Threshold S or SA series power amp and got good results out of it. Any problems by cmbining these two brands?
I am facing output impedance to input impedance problems for the pre and power amp. I assume out there that noone has combined these two brands.
The SP10 is a full tube preamp the FETs are used for the last-mile regulation of B+ for each triode. You wont have to match them as they are not in parallel. Whoever tells you otherwise just wants to fleece you bad. I recently bought a few of them to repair a friend's unit.
Those in the PS would not need matching, but those in the main unit yes as the orginal ones with their matched curves are unavailable. Parts from the middle east need to be matched, otherwise you would not borrow or buy it for a friends unit and use those Fets that you may preselect before you put them in.

What I mean is those type of FETs even not selected with their speficially curves are only used in Audio Research amps. You can buy many of the same type and look for one with the same characteristics or buy a second preamp and repair it, but that is double the costs you woul normally need.

Accroding to shemtaic they don't need to be matched as far as I can see. mhm.