Thats the problem. The industry standard Fets are available, but you need to buy certain quantities to created matched sets.
I have found someone who do this too me, but in the case these are also gone, I might consider a SA-5000.
Does anyone out there have matched a SA-5000 with SA/2 monos from Threshold and goten good results out od it.Counterpoints were sometiemes problematic, however, are there any inssues with the low/high input impedances from the pre to the power amp or no problems at all.This is a rare occurence, but I want to make sure it does not happen at all.
I have found someone who do this too me, but in the case these are also gone, I might consider a SA-5000.
Does anyone out there have matched a SA-5000 with SA/2 monos from Threshold and goten good results out od it.Counterpoints were sometiemes problematic, however, are there any inssues with the low/high input impedances from the pre to the power amp or no problems at all.This is a rare occurence, but I want to make sure it does not happen at all.