counterintuitive tilt angle

So, from the day I bought them I've had my Spendor s8s tilted back about 3/4 of an inch on some vague idea of time alignment. Tonight, on a whim, I leveled them, lowering the fronts to be equal hight with the rear. Seems like the soundstage got deeper and the highs seem a bit better integrated into the stage.

Any formula for setting tilt angle or is it one of those things you just mess with until it soudns good?

Showing 1 response by audiokinesis

Without knowing a lot of specialized information about a given speaker, I couldn't predict with any reliability what tilt angle, if any, would work best. I think it's one of those things you just mess with until it sounds good because that's quicker and easier than taking the time-gated measurements necessary to figure out what the drivers are doing relative to one another in the crossover region.
