Counterfeit Chinese Cables

I thought that I would write this for those who are curious about one of the many counterfeit Chinese interconnect cables that are available these days. I know that there have been threads about the subject before, and I was always curious because they seem to be such a bargain. I don't really recall much about what any members actually said about the performance of these counterfeit cables, and I didn't look back and do any research, but a couple of months ago there was a thread that came around to discussing the quality of Chinese made components, and oldhvymec said something that made sense to me.

He said that people that say that what they are making is junk should consider that much of what is in our gear, and a lot of our American brands are actually manufactured there. I decided shortly after that that I would take the chance on a set of interconnects, because I suspected that the interconnects going from my pre to my amp were the weak link and needed upgrading. The interconnects going from my DAC to my pre were Kimber Select which are very good, but the other set were LAT International (now defunct) which had cost $500.00 when new, but I had reason to believe they were lacking because I have one of their digital cables that turned out to be very poor sounding in comparison to others I own.

I decided on a one meter pair of counterfeit Nordost Odin interconnects for a total of $104.00 from Aliexpress. I received them a couple of weeks later. They appeared to be well made, and the locking fake WBT rca's were very impressive and are very tight. 

First impressions after installing them were light, thin sound, lacking bass. Each couple of days brought improvements, but from the beginning I noticed that they were quieter. Now, weeks later, I can say that they are drastically better that the LAT's in every way. Detail and ambience are much better, but it's the focus and separation of instruments that is most noticeable. 

I have no way of knowing if they are really a copy of the Nordost design, but I am impressed enough that I am going to try a counterfeit Nordost digital cable.

Obviously, this isn't a comparison that is useful to most, because there probably isn't anyone here using the LAT's, and everything is system dependent. I just wanted to relay my positive experience. 

Nordost ODIN&2 RCA Fever Audio Signal Cable Double Lotus Sterling Silver Audio Cord Video CD Amplifier Tube Cable High Quality| | - AliExpress


Showing 41 responses by jerryg123

You missed the point you buy fakes because you can’t afford the stuff.

keep telling yourself it sounds the same….

Talk about childish. Real class, the guy just asked a question.

Of course not. Duh...

@thyname not real sure on AQ product. They do make a counterfeit statement on their website.  I was referring to Nordost products and Kimber that claim US manufacturing. I am also not saying they are going offshore I truly believe these folks in China are making counterfeit product. 

Looking at the all of the manufactures websites they have a page on "counterfeits" so it is a real issue. That is why I buy from guys like Signal Cable and Zafino real quality at a real price.  

Beware of Counterfeits · AudioQuest

Well if you are marking your product as made in the USA and they are actually made in China you deserve a flood of counterfeit product in the market. 

On another note, I wonder what the deal is with those counterfeit cables. Are they done from third party cable makers, copying the design, or are they “back door “ products from the same China factory/ workshops the real cables are made? That’s the real question is my guess.

     To your other point I will never buy a used cable here or on USAM after reading this. 

 In any case, buying and selling used cables in Audiogon or USAM will for sure be much more difficult. Nobody will trust any individual seller on the authenticity of a cable with all these counterfeits around and readily available. And someone will surely find “innovative “ ways to make this a business, buying them cheap from Ali, and selling them here as “used” authentic cables. If not already happening that is, which I suspect it is

If there is money to be made making counterfeit products, flooding the global markets and undermining the global economy the CCP will encourage these activities. 

@alexatpos most figured it out the first time reading it. Ignore the grammar nazis. 

@thyname you nailed it. Everyone is looking for the $40.00 GIANT KILLER!!!!

Quite comical.

trying the fake Ali Baba cables at $40 a pop will not do you much. Let’s be real. Now, if you really want to know what the China copycats are capable of coming up with, ethically or not that’s a whole lot another issue, give the fake Dragon power cords (Audioquest) a shot. They will cost you about $400 to $500 (get the “current generation” not braided Dragons), so yes, there is some real money involved. You will see. 


Small amount is counterfeit on Aliexpress 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

@ghdprentice Nice post and yes it is of questionable ethics to buy known counterfeit products. 

The problem is not the Chinaman.

Neither can you slick, rhymes with…..

No worries though I will steer clear from you.

went back and read my posts and other than being sarcastic and saying Chairman Xi thanks you, The CCP encourages these activities and agreeing with lordmeltons post, not sure where I disparaged you or other. Or why I would be an honest phony. 

Well doesn’t matter take care. No apology needed as I really do not care. 



Yawn, "facts are facts."


Sure, glad I only spent $17.00 how about you?


I hate counterfeiting, almost as much as I hate YouTube audio comparisons. 

@bigtwin you are getting counterfeit garbage from China. Case closed.


First line says NORDOST Odin Pure Silver

Then they say Conductor: 10 strands of pure silver

Then they say high-quality 99.999999 single crystal copper and 78 micron extruded silver on the surface of 7N OFC

In the last claim they seem to mix the terms "single Crystal copper" which should mean OCC copper, with the term 7N OFC which is NOT OCC single crystal.  

Who know what you are actually getting?

@bigtwin You asked the question: 

Then they say Conductor: 10 strands of pure silver

Then they say high-quality 99.999999 single crystal copper and 78 micron extruded silver on the surface of 7N OFC

In the last claim they seem to mix the terms "single Crystal copper" which should mean OCC copper, with the term 7N OFC which is NOT OCC single crystal.  

Who know what you are actually getting?

@duckworp you may as well be talking to the wall. These folks in this thread participating in this criminal enterprise could care less. 

Save your fingers and the leader is of very questionable ethics and integrity. They are all about “me” , “what’s in it for me”. Kinda like that bunch in D.C.


All your cables are being tracked by the CCP spy balloon 🎈 🤔🤔👀👀🫣🫣

Great sentence structure.

You are an agent for Xi and the CCP.

Anyone buying and hi end cable used should be checking serial numbers.

It is not a balloon but this is what one cable manufacturer is doing. 


Viborg is the brand and they make a decent cable. Not sure why one wants silver solid core speaker cables as they have higher resistance and find them bright. 


@bigtwin there are the haves and the have nots of the world. If you have $40K to burn on cables, then so what if I have a cable company, I am going to make a pair of $40K interconnects for you to spend your hard-earned money on. 

Why is this so upsetting for you people? 

It's simple capitalism, Nordost is not some TV preacher or politician convincing the poor downtrodden people to donate to their cause, give me $20.00 and you get into heaven. 

They are selling a product that clearly people want and are willing to pay $40K.

Guarantee you your $40.00 fake interconnects sound nothing like the real deal. But then again you are a cable denier. both you and @wesheadley  

I will stick with quality made products from companies that are here in North America and that the CCP will not benefit from me purchasing their product. Some things we have no choice in like cell phones and the like, and that is a shame, but here you do. 

Nordost can charge $40,000 for a pair of interconnects.

@roxy54 you keep saying that. Penis envy?

@bigtwin sorry the denier bit was for the other fella @wesheadley. I agree $40k is crazy but who are they praying on? A guy with puck you money? LOL they are going to do what ever they want. Gullible no more that you buying a $40.00 cable if the next guy is using a $5.00 one from Amazon….

Perspective I guess. 



@wesheadley winner of the stupid post of the day.

Guarantee you that you cannot not rank five quality cables by their price. Nobody is saying a $40 cable is equal to a $40k cable-- the materials cost between those to poles would be vastly different. I think spending hundreds on a quality cable is more reasonable when you look at materials and time-- and when you look at it from that perspective, then no, you cannot qualitatively rank a set of cable's audio quality by price.

Never as we do not own a TV. 

Can tell you do not care who made it, or chat child made it, or what conflict minerals were used to make it. Sold my wife’s Tesla once I researched conflict materials content.  All about you and your cheap asses.


do. I could care less who made them. I’m sure all the people posting against them have purchased years ago pirated movies off the street at one time or another. And if you say you never did your full of crap. 

Spell check you nasty old Jellyfish. 

You have no solid argument so you find a spellcheck error. 

I am right you have no conscience. 

Conscience is a cognitive process that elicits emotion and rational associations based on an individual’s moral philosophy or value system.

@evank More than you, clearly. Love your vulgarity and @roxy54 make no disparaging remarks about your language. Guess it is the typical hypocrisy of people of questionable ethics and integrity. 

We cannot avoid all things from China (PRC), but I make an effort, unlike you. 

All appliances in my home are Bosch, hand tools all Bosch, Snap-On and OTC. All audio equipment is from Europe and North America. 

I will admit I spend $20.00 and bought one of these fake cables and regret it.


We’ll this thread tosses the credibility out the window for this site.

Surprised @tammyholt or another admin has not killed this thread. If I were a cable manufacturer/advertiser of any stature I would demand that this thread be taken down due to the negative impact it has on legitimate companies that offer fair pricing on quality products. Not fake chit from China.

Not saying there are not good legitimate cable manufacturers in China or even on the PRC owned sites like Aliexpress or Alibaba.

More trustworthy sources of second hand gear are Audiogon in the US and Canuck Audio Mart in Canada. Fakes rarely show up on these sites, and when they do, they’re both quick to remove them. There are probably trustworthy audio-focused sites in other countries. If you know of one, send us a link. If it looks good to us, we’ll list it here.


@disc are you daft? 

Are you Roxy and Noises cousin? 


Counterfeit Chinese Cables

@maxima95  at least I admit it and I only spent $20.00 how about you? 

Regretting it means I have morals and have remorse. Unlike you.

And I do not care a thing about you.