Could use some help in choosing new speakers

Hi all,
I’m in the market for new floorstanding speakers for the following system: Rega P25, Dynavector 20X, Arcam CD92, Bryston B60 (could change soon).

I am looking for ~$800-1,200 used. I have used Totem Arros, really liked their sound overall, but need some more oomph. Right now I am back to my old reliables, Signet 280 floorstanders, which don’t really compare to the Totem’s, save a very nice sounding midrange.

Looking for a great all-around speaker, and love an airy, open, warm sound with a wide soundstage and good imaging/separation, but not giving up too much in detail and accuracy.

They need to be on the smaller side with good looks to satisfy the wife. So a relatively small footprint, and ~40 inches in height.

I listen to all kinds of music, mostly rock and classic jazz, with a fair amount of classical and world thrown in. So a good mix of acoustic and electric music. My listening room is 14'X 28'X 9'(H), speakers against the long wall, and I can't have them out too far from wall.

Unfortunately, it is not feasible for me to get to any stores to listen to anything, as there aren’t any hi-fi stores near me.
From reading up online, these are what I’ve come up with thus far:

Spendor S5e, Quad 22L2, and Monitor Audio RS6

Has anyone opinions as to the differences amoung these, or have anything else I should consider?

Many thanks in advance.
I guess the Quad's wouldn't work, I don't want a speaker that is difficult to drive.

I'll have to read up on the VR's but looks like a great deal.
Look at the Gallo Ref 3s here on Agon for right around $1300 - nothing in that price range can beat them. Period.

Well, the VR's in question sold, but they did intrigue me.

The Gallo's are too odd looking for the wife unfortunately.

ANother speaker I am considering is the Polk LSi15. Any thoughts how these might compare to those in question thus far?
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So I picked up a set of Quad 22L2's. Set them up side by side with my Signets .... and there is little that separates the two. The Quad's are slightly richer and slightly more detail. Needless to say, I'm underwhelmed. Or maybe I should just be overwhelmed by my beat up Signets.

- Is it possible bad synergy with my Bryston B-60? Would a different (but not better) amp make these speakers step up their performance?

- While a better amp would improve the sound, would it do so more for the Quad than the Signets,i.e., am I just not tapping into the potential of the Quads?

As always, thanks in advance for your thoughts.