Could these be your next cable loom??...and price be damned.

On the Stereophile web page, there is a report of the Estelon room at Axpona, along with the $330k cables from Crystal Cables, called the Art series. One poster states that Gabi ( one of the Crystal Cable owners) knows what she is doing when it comes to pricing strategy.

I thought this thread could piggy back my question on the Speaker forum and ask a similar question here, will sales accrue for her $330K cables, or is it possible that she over stepped...and no sales will actually occur? If Gabi knows her market ( and who are we to say she does not), i question how she has this that she does NOT price her new Crystal Cable Art cables at say $3 Million and instead hits the sweet spot at $330k??? Anyone?


Showing 1 response by clearthinker

Of course this is totally mad.  But Gabi knows there are is a small handfull of mad buyers out there that will pay $300,000 for $5,000 (max) of wire.

@jhnnrrs      How does offering a $300,000 cable add credibility to the brand?  For most of us it just demonstrates that the manufacturer is nuts and, more important, he grossly over-prices his products.  Leave a wide berth unless you have money to burn.