could someone compare krell vs. classe audio ?

Category: Amplifiers

compare krell vs. classe audio ?

Showing 1 response by nrchy

Mapleleafs3 (change your user name to 'catfish')is on a crusade and regretably is a buffoon! He knows nothing about either of these products. Maybe he is mad because he cannot afford the Krell or the Classe!!!

This is a difficult question to answer. I have/do own both of these companies. Better Krell and better Classe gear is from very good to great.

Some people may not care for a certain sound, no two audiophiles will ever agree on any system, but that doesn't make either of them wrong.

I believe there is a law of physics that says if two audiophiles ever agree the entire universe will meltdown immediately.

If you have specif questions please post them and I will try my best to help, unlike some of the previous posters...