Could my A-gon brothers please....

suggest a suitable indoor antenna for the Marantz 10b tuner? Many Thanks!
Before you try anything fancy, try a large dipole tacked on the wall and see where that gets you.
Take a look at Godar Electronics. Do a search here or over at audio asylum(radio board)...they seem to be pretty well thought of. NPR (national public radio) seems to have a coathanger-looking thing that AA folks also seem to like. Do a search here on A-gon for "FM antenna"...I posted links to both sites about a week or so back.
I had no luck with an ST-2, found I could beat it by thumb-tacking a folded dipole to the drywall just above a window. Depends on a lot of factors, of course. Dave
I'm using a Magnum Dynalab ST-2 and love it. Just bolt it to a wall. You don't even have to aim the darn thing either.
Magnum Dynalab makes a pretty expensive indoor antenna and a tuning box; check their web site. They also have the ST-2 which is an omni-directional whip.
Hello Swampwalker, the antenna would have to be confined to the living area, at least for now. The WAF is not a critical factor, and neither is cost (within reason, of course). Best!
Go to They're a respected antenna company. Their website contains all manner of antennae with pictures and specs. I use the AF-1,also known as the AM/FM Q. It's about fifty bucks, six inches square, amplified, tunable, and sits on my rack right beside the tuner. Although beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I think it looks way cool. If you need, something more substantial due to your location or building construction, they have other items you can put in your attic or on a wall. I don't have a local dealer so I bought mine mail order at J&R in New York City. Their site is if you're interested.