Cough vigilante

Please excuse me, but I have reached a threshold and need to vent. Are there that many sick people going to concerts or are most of these recorded coughs intentional? I am beginning to feel something like road rage and find myself daydreaming about forcefully escorting them out of the concert hall to the thunderous applause of the musicians. Do you recommend therapy, (for me,) or should I just take advantage of Eldragon’s [best beer] tweak before listening sessions? Most all input appreciated. Charlie

Showing 1 response by sean

HAHAHAHAH....... I really don't listen to much "live" recordings of classical music at all, but have noticed the same thing. The local classical station ( WFMT Chicago ) was broadcasting a concert and it was LOADED with hackers, chokers and wheezer's. I found it EXTREMELY annoying just listening to it over the air, let alone if i had paid good money to try and enjoy it. My suggestion is to shoot the bastards BUT use a silencer when doing it : ) Sean
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