Cough vigilante

Please excuse me, but I have reached a threshold and need to vent. Are there that many sick people going to concerts or are most of these recorded coughs intentional? I am beginning to feel something like road rage and find myself daydreaming about forcefully escorting them out of the concert hall to the thunderous applause of the musicians. Do you recommend therapy, (for me,) or should I just take advantage of Eldragon’s [best beer] tweak before listening sessions? Most all input appreciated. Charlie

Showing 3 responses by detlof

You're touching on an interesting phenomenon. Even in winter, sitting in a tram or bus, sitting in some waiting room or flying in a plane, you'll notice less coughing than even with small audiences in a musical event. I've often wondered why this is. Perhaps a saying in German can give a hint here, where the statement of "I'll give him a cough" is a sign of veiled disagreement, combined with some anger. So, to my mind, there are so many people, who just cannot be still, cannot bear to have others perform and take the stage. So they have to make themselves heard. All this is not conscious of course, but its a sign of discomfort and a subtle rising of inner anger. Why go to concerts then, may you ask, well, many go, because its "done", get bored and and unconsciously have to voice it. Also coughing wells up in the short intermission between different movements of a given piece. It is as if they now also want to have their "say". Only MHO, a hypothesis however, which I'm comfortable with. Cough-cough! to all who disagree, " denen huste ich eins " or I'll cough them one..which is what this saying is in original German.
Greg, its Bruckner who does this to me!!! (Except his chamber music, though) Cheers,
Frogman, how right you are, I remember the great Abdullah Ibrahim, at this time he still called himself
Dollar Brand, getting livid with rage at the famous "Africana" Jazz Club here in Zurich, because the folks just chatted away. He was (rightly!!) so rudely outspoken, that he was not allowed to play anymore at the club. We were friends then and went out and got wonderfully drunk. A few weeks later he flew off to the US and was discovered by Duke Ellington...........
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