Cost effective cleaning brush/mitt
I recently purchased a 4 dollar lint brush and lint mitt that has turned out to be a great addition to my record cleaning system. The product is made by evercare and can be found at your local walgreens. The brush is a stiff microfiber brush that is designed to lift lint or pet hair from clothes. The stiff bristles are very small and directional similar to the old discwasher microfiber brush but much stiffer. In addition to the lint brush, the company sells a lint mitt made of the same material but is much larger than the brush. I find the stiff bristle mitt or brush is more effective that the diskdoctor brush in cleaning the grooves of the record. I am using it to scrub the record after applying the cleaning solution to the record. I use it in a similar fashion to the disk doctor brush (small back and forth strokes while rotating the record on the cleaning platter of your RCM. I use the mitt to scrub with the cleaning solution and steaming regiment to heat the cleaning solution. I vacuum then rinse and scrub with a clean mitt using distilled water followed by a final vacuum. The results are amazing. i use the lint brush as a dry brush before i play a record. It has replaced my discwasher brush for this service. Please note, the disk doctor is a good brush, but for 4 dollars, you have a mitt or brush that will last much longer than the diskdoctor brush and will give better results. Try it, you will like it!
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