correct zerostat technique

I have the Zerostat 3 and was always surprised at the lack of instruction supplied with it. I constantly wonder how to most effectively use it. In the past, a search of the archives turned up a tiangle technique. Basically, squeeze and release at the three points of an imaginary equilateral triangle ~1 foot over the record surface followed by one squeeze(no release) over the center. In max AC season here in Iowa this doesn't seem to be real effective and sometimes I wonder if I'm actually adding charge to the vinyl. Does anyone have a different technique to recommend? Would I have more luck with the Talisman or Furutech destat?(Both of which seem pricey)

Showing 1 response by tgrisham

Guiness, nice information! Thanks! I remember using the Zerostat when it first introduced and still use it. I still have the little "thingy" that sparkles when it is still working. I discharge on three points of the record and then once while the record is spinning. The wet method of cleaning helps, but I still have to use the Zerostat. Simply spinning the record creates static.