correct zerostat technique

I have the Zerostat 3 and was always surprised at the lack of instruction supplied with it. I constantly wonder how to most effectively use it. In the past, a search of the archives turned up a tiangle technique. Basically, squeeze and release at the three points of an imaginary equilateral triangle ~1 foot over the record surface followed by one squeeze(no release) over the center. In max AC season here in Iowa this doesn't seem to be real effective and sometimes I wonder if I'm actually adding charge to the vinyl. Does anyone have a different technique to recommend? Would I have more luck with the Talisman or Furutech destat?(Both of which seem pricey)

Showing 1 response by dgad

I was once told to hold the record in one hand, and the gun in the other while you are grounded with your feet on the floor (not carpet). Supposedly the static goes through your body to the ground. I never tried it as I am lazy and do it slowly as others mentioned.