Correct way to us Shure VTF gauge?

Hey guys, I have one quick question for anyone using the Shure Gauge to set VTF. Should you make the arm bounce slighty after placing the stylus on the gauge. The reason I ask is because when I just gently place the arm on the gauge using the cueing lever it wll give me a reading of lets say 1.5g, then if I bounce the arm a little while it is resting on the gauge the reading will stop at aprox 2grams. Are you guys finding that you get a different reading when doing the two above mentioned methods, or are my RB300 bearings screwed? Is there something terribly wrong?

Thanks for your time,
Dr. Balance, I know what you're talking about, the gauge did the same thing to me. If you every so lightly place the cartridge down on the scale, sometimes it doesn't register. I take the reading after gently hitting the teeter totter...

Tedvan, I'm in the same boat, shoudl have a wally scale arriving shortly, and will hopefully confirm that the shure was OK, crossing my fingers...
Dr Balance, I now need to do another set of trials. I knew Dave was introducing a new worry, but I thought I had snuffed it. So we begin again, with grudgingly purile thanks.
Thanks guys for your post. I feel a bit better now that some of you are having the same problem (behaviour pattern).

DENNIS THE MENACE, just out of curiosity was your arm also the RB300?

Thanks again,
Rega250... the vector doesn't act quite the same way, but the cue lets the arm down very slowly, slower than the rega
Lets narrow it down a little then. Anyone with a RB250 or RB300 seeing the same behaviour? If not same behavour then please still post and let me know.

Thanks guys for your responses,