Bare copper against bare copper (two different pieces of metal under physical contact) does not really transfer higher frequencies as well. This is where plating increases the ability for high frequencies to jump from one piece to another (i.e. bare copper against rhodium/gold/silver plating).Resistance along a conductor has no bearing on the frequency of an electrical current passing through that conductor. Any electrical frequency introduced at some point in a circuit will be realized on the other side of a restive load. The amplitude of the signal will be changed but the frequency will not. The ability of an electric current to bridge an open in the circuit, "jump from one piece to another" is dependent on voltage not frequency.
Correct way to attach speaker wires... Wait, what!!!
Okay this is going to sound ridiculous but I've always wondered if I'm connecting the wires in the proper way to the binding posts. I just picked up a Red Dragon S500 power amp and I figured I finally should ask the question. It has the screw down type of posts. Here is a link to the pic on their website. The wires I have are Mapleshade Clearview Golden Helix which terminate in a stiff single 3/4" wire. Any help for a dumb question would be greatly appreciated!