Correct way to attach speaker wires... Wait, what!!!

Okay this is going to sound ridiculous but I've always wondered if I'm connecting the wires in the proper way to the binding posts. I just picked up a Red Dragon S500 power amp and I figured I finally should ask the question. It has the screw down type of posts. Here is a link to the pic on their website. The wires I have are Mapleshade Clearview Golden Helix which terminate in a stiff single 3/4" wire. Any help for a dumb question would be greatly appreciated!

Showing 3 responses by boxer12

I prefer the Bareanakedium Wire Connection (BWC) to all others. Google it.  
Yes it does. I was using solid core music meter wire prior to this & the duelund made a very noticeable difference. Highly recommended. 
" I don’t use binding posts, at least I don’t use them in a traditional manner. I just use them for clamping together the runs of the speaker cable and the crossover leads from the speaker"

I've been doing that as well with great results and have 16ga duelund wire running internally from the speaker cable to the lowther drivers