Correct turn on, turn off sequence????

O.K. I have been into audio for about 10 years now and still don't have a definitive answer to this question. In what order should I power up/down. I always get a pop in my speaker when I turn off my amps. I have adcom 565 monos, 565 pre, rega cdp, all plugged into a power conditioner... If any of that matters. Thanks in advance for your help.

Showing 1 response by sdcampbell

Hi, Jedi. I suspect that you are going to get a turn-on / turn-off thump (or pop) with the Adcoms even if you use the correct sequence. I owned the same Adcom preamp and amp you have, and also sold Adcom equipment during the early 1990's, and I always found the Adcoms have a momentary discharge. I am not a "circuit design geek", but I believe the Adcom amps experience the "thump" because they are direct coupled and have no capacitor at the output stage to absorb power transients when the amp is switched on/off. Aside from being annoying, the "thump" is really not harmful -- just be sure to have the volume turned all the way down when you start up or shut down.