Cornwall IV – new amp vs crossover upgrade

I recently bought Cornwall IVs and basically I´m very happy with them – they just sound very pleasant. And I haven´t even upgraded to another amp yet which seems to be the next logical step. When I was in the store I tested them with a class AB and a hybrid amp and I could already tell that the hybrid made them sing. Currently I´m using an old, small Rotel amp and they do sound great with it but I know there´s plenty of room for improvement.

Having read a few things here and there, I´m wondering which has the bigger impact: a new amp or a new set of crossovers. Sure, it´s all individual but with people raving about non-Klipsch-crossovers and other improvement (for example damping the horns as suggested by the Boston Audiophile), I´m not exactly sure what should be next. Would a nice tube amp make a crossover upgrade unneccessary? It´s hard to tell from what I´ve read.

As much as I like them, I feel right now they are lacking a bit of overall warmth. On the other hand the highs are a bit too pronounced and detailed for me which led me to turn down the highs on the amp a bit. There are some recordings that just match the current setup and listening to them puts a big smile on my face. And I just feel that this can be extended to more albums.

Thanks in advance for help and suggestions!


Showing 2 responses by chmaiwald

I have concerns about fiddling with the hardware. That´s also why I asked about people´s opinions here.

What I take from the answers so far is that amp choice comes first. That seems to have the most significant impact in shaping the sound. Once I´m happy with an amp-speaker-combination and still find the speakers lacking, I may give modding a try.

Thanks for the suggestions which amp to try / which one is best. I heard about the Enleum 23R and find the concept striking. It just may be too analytical for my taste (on top of being just a bit too far out of even my inofficial price range) (but ask me about that again after I decide on something). I don´t have tons of hifi experience and was happy for a long time with my Audio Physic Yara II speakers, but the Cornwalls have shown me how much more music can breathe played on the right gear. I heard new things, which is amazing. And I´m sure pushing the lower frequencies a bit (or whatever the magic tubes can do is called) will make them even better to my ears.

Thanks a lot for your replies. First amp, then mods then.

Thanks as well for the suggestions! Ampwise I have to take what´s available here (I´m living in Poland) and what I can listen to in advance. 300B I have to check, Rogue Sphinx is sold here. There also is a local brand, which is the one I could test already: Taga Harmony. Their HTA 2500B gave a nice first impression, but well, it was the first tube(hybrid) amp I listened to.

Since it may not be known here I leave a link below.