Cork as an acoustical ceiling block

I'm trying to come up with a cost effective solution for my existing HT ceiling. It is only 100" high so I really don't want to add a channel and drop new sheetrock to minimize the noise to the family room above. I'm thinking about going with cork - Seems to have great absorbtion qualities and looks cool too? Has anyone tried this?
Much of the sound travels through the structure (i.e. the joists). What you would like to do is separate the joists from the ceiling with a small air gap decoupled from the joists (we have designs just for this) and have a high mass ceiling attached to it of varying layers. You will lose about 3 inches of ceiling height doing this, but it is very effective. Cork isn't high mass enough. It will reduce mid band and high frequencies, but won't have much effect on the energy the subwoofer is delivering.
Whatever you use, MAKE SURE THAT IT'S FIRE-RETARDANT (or is treated with a fire retardant spray)! As the tragedy in Warwick, R.I. showed, some accoustic material can ignite and burn like napalm, while also spewing a variety of toxic fumes (phosgene which is similar to "Mustard Gas" of W.W.1, and cyanide). Enjoy, but be safe!