Corelli - really????

I read the 6 moons review on this but I still have a hard time believing this can improve a system.  Anyone have any experience with these?

Showing 14 responses by david_ten

@louisl   +1

I've had the Corelli in system for sometime now and can second your findings. I find that it very much responds to power cords.

The largest impact was when I went from the wall outlet (shared with the power distribution/supply) to direct into my power distribution unit.
For those not familiar with the Akiko Corelli: It’s a passive conditioner and is not directly in the path of the current flow.
@sbayne I can’t speak to your first question, however, regarding the power cords, I think the best approach is to test with what you already have.

Akiko Audio pairs the Corelli with their own Powercord HQ Gold, which may be worth considering if you are comfortable with the OEM’s choice with their unit.
Great series of posts! Really terrific getting direct and personal feedback from all of you on the Akiko Corelli. Thank you.
@ebm   Do your Audience units condition the power?

Maybe @worldwidewholesales  can also respond?
If it is passive (and is not a conditioner), you should benefit from using the Akiko Corelli. As with most stuff audio, let your system and ears lead you.

I'm guessing the importer will be able to shed much more light and detail as to how you should approach adding a Corelli and what the benefits might be.

All the best.
@sbayne  Great to hear! I may order their PC to free up one of my PCs.

Recent changes on the power side of the system allowed me to test a different configuration for the Corelli. I finally used my top power cable since I have an extra one available due to replacing separates with an integrated amp. 

Not sure if it is the new config or the PC or a combination of both, but a noticeable improvement in the current setup. 

Once my components are settled and fully run in, I will be able to test placement and PC pairing impact properly and will report back.
@sbayne Now that my T+A amp has nearly two weeks of break in time on it, I decided to move the Corelli back to the same duplex my active / power supply-conditioner is on. In this placement position, there is a greater (and positive) impact on overall system sound. It is ’back’ to the same position it was in with my previous passive power supply. In other words, an improvement over the ’daisy chain’ placement I had it in while the T+A was (is) breaking in.

Once I have three weeks on the T+A I’ll start seriously evaluating the peripherals (like the Corelli) in my system and will post more at that time.
Scott, I swapped out power cords early this morning. Took about 8 hours to 'reset' but the power cord differences are present as well. I am super pleased with the results in my 'standard' configuration (the previous outlet and power cord). 
@steakster  That's a terrific finding. Having a dedicated line, unfortunately means I can't try it out. 

+1 on the responsiveness to power cable changes.