Core Power Technologies

Does anyone know, is Core Power Technologies still around? I was considering purchasing (2) Ec1200’s but don’t want to be in a holding pattern for the next year. Are they or (Mark) still in existence? What’s the lowdown or suggestion of comparable item.

Showing 13 responses by uberwaltz

I actually have more confidence that Walter will make all the out of pocket customers right than when Mark was running the show, sad to say.

I think anybody who has ever dealt with Walter will know he is a man of his word, I have good dealings with him in the past.

Good luck to all.
Very interesting.
We will see how this plays out.
Fwiw Exogal make an excellent DAC,the Comet Plus which I owned and likely should have kept!
It was not luvrockin who made that statement if you check again.

Gcecchetto was the poster
More to the point I do not think the site cares as long as no posting rules are broken.
They are here to make money from commission on sales after all.
Very well said Adrian, nice and diplomatic.

I get the impression that the DEEP CORE was the item that deep six the company.
If had stuck with the Equicores which I have been very impressed with my 1800 it may have been a different story altogether.

Too little development, too little information but way too many promises!

Just my view from the outside.

Wishing Mark and Lynn all the best
 I think you missed some of amg56 point.
If you read the post prior it welcomed,nay, encouraged people to call or write.
This amg56 has obviously done with little joy to be had.

No matter what takes place during a business ownership transfer communication is still paramount.
All in all I would say that is a very wise decision Dan.
I truly do feel sorry for those who are owed either units or refunds from CPT.
As I previously stated ALL of my gear goes through the 1800 including the Lyngdorf2170 integrated amp.
One massive improvement I did notice is how well the 1800 cleans up our poor local power which prior to this was subject to random clicks and pops.
I cannot swear to it that the Lyngdorf sounds better through the 1800 but it certainly does not sound worse and now I never have any unwanted odd electrical artifacts from the mains.
Agreed chazzzy and amg.

As I said I am very happy with the 1800 but I have a feeling I was among the very last group to receive anything before matters took a serious downturn.

Before anything else occurs ALL outstanding orders and/or refunds must take place.
No future for cpt at all under any ownership until this is taken care of.
I am extremely happy with the 1800 I purchased through Underwood Wally.

Never had any interest in deep core so not a concern of mine tbh.

I do not recall hearing of any issues with the 1800 or 1200.

My 1800 powers everything for me, amp, phono, tt, cdp, cassette, tv, vault.
A lot quiter blacker noise background than I,believed it would create so I was/am very impressed.
Hopefully Dan will make everyone whole financially eventually.
But from his replies I would not bet on a fully functional Deep Core shipping to anybody , anytime soon.