Core Power Technologies

Does anyone know, is Core Power Technologies still around? I was considering purchasing (2) Ec1200’s but don’t want to be in a holding pattern for the next year. Are they or (Mark) still in existence? What’s the lowdown or suggestion of comparable item.

Showing 2 responses by gcecchetto

I have an 1800 I purchased directly through Mark. I was in contact with him right away after receiving it to let him know that it hums quite loudly intermittently, like you can hear it 30 feet away, and he assured me a replacement would be sent right away. I'm guessing that was 4 - 6  months ago now. Still waiting, contacted Mark multiple times and the unit was always just about ready to ship. Was contact by the transition team to confirm I was owed a replacement, I told them yes, never heard another thing from them. That had to be at least 2 months ago now. I also had 2 other power cords I was waiting on. I've pretty much given up at this point.

I know Mark is having health issues, and I truly hope it all works out well as it possibly can for him. Relative to the transition team, the complete lack of communication is just unprofessional and I have a very hard time imagining myself being a core customer in the future.
I was speaking with Mark via phone about my 1800 and the additional power cables I ordered. In that conversation he apologized and said he was having health issues and had been in the hospital having testing done and was hoping it wasn’t cancer, but followed up by saying there was a history of cancer in the family. 

Next thing I know the communication completely dropped out, and then I hear the company is being sold. 

I truley hope he just decided it was it was time to call it quits and isn’t fighting a major health issue.