Copper Mat on Technics sp-10?

I bought a Technics sp-10 (love it) that did not come with a mat. For now, I'm using my Lenco mat, upside down.

What do you recommend?

I think the TT Weight copper and carbon-fibre looks cool, but are they really better than a good rubber mat?


ps. Is there anywhere one can buy the stock sp-10 mat?

Showing 2 responses by jj2468

My set-up (if it makes a difference regarding the mat) is a Graham Phantom and Sumiko Celebration or a Denon 103r (and I'd like to try a Benz Ebony LP).

Do mats tend to sound like their material, meaning copper and carbon fibre would sound more lively than rubber?

Thanks for the data. Jeff
I found a good and cheap temporary improvement over the rubber mat. I put down an lp as a mat and placed the lp for listening on top of it. Big improvement.

Thanks for the help. I'm leaning toward trying a copper mat. It sounds like the carbon and copper combination is intended for setups that are perhaps a touch too lively. I'd prefer to have the liveliness and if its too much then temper it elsewhere. So, I'd like to give the copper a go. And it looks nice too.

According to TT Weights, the copper drains static electricity so long as the platter is grounded. I do wonder to what degree the clear coating, if its not conductive, interfers with the conductivity of the copper as a static drain.
