Converting to Analog

Ok, after hearing vinyl at the Home Entertainment show last week I am convinced vinyl is superior to digital (including SACD). My question is twofold. Can I get near the level of sound I heard without spending $10,000 on a turntable, and am I nuts to add analog to a ss ARC 100.2 amp with a tube LS15 pre? I can review other threads for recommendations on specific turntables to consider. Is there anything else I need to consider in adding a turntable to my system?

Showing 1 response by tmcroy

GO for it. A second hand table with no movement in the platter at all apart from round and round (sideways rock is BAD). I got a VPI Jr cheap and upgraded it slowly to Mk4 as I could afford it - an Orogin Live modified RB250 arm unless you are feeling rich..... I vote for a Benz 2 glider (with my walett!). mine is medium output, but if you want a cheap phono stage then a high output one will work into a low gain moving magnet preamp fine. Try to listen to a high output Dynavector as well. Grado is also worth looking at, most of all - TRUST YOUR EARS!
Next up for me is an Orogin Live DC motor kit.