Converting to Analog

Ok, after hearing vinyl at the Home Entertainment show last week I am convinced vinyl is superior to digital (including SACD). My question is twofold. Can I get near the level of sound I heard without spending $10,000 on a turntable, and am I nuts to add analog to a ss ARC 100.2 amp with a tube LS15 pre? I can review other threads for recommendations on specific turntables to consider. Is there anything else I need to consider in adding a turntable to my system?

Showing 2 responses by jimbo3

I'll second David99's comments, but I don't consider it "work". A few extra seconds to sweep a record and stylus before playing and a few minutes here and there for regular maintenance. Initial set-up is not a big deal- just relax and spend a couple of hours or so. One could say that analog is slightly more "interactive" than digital and can certainly be more rewarding.

Tony, you didn't mention what you had heard at the Home Entertainment show. Maybe if you could share that information, someone could give you an idea of similar equipment/cost to approximate that "sound".

David- Geez, you're even more obsessive than me!! Yes, I'd concur that cleaning jackets is real work- certainly alot more work than I'm willing to put in! You're going to give us vinyl junkies a bad rep. ;) (Yeah, like we don't already deserve it.... hehehe!)

A couple questions for you, David- 1)What process do you use to clean jackets and 2) what is your personal long-term experience w/Gruv Glide?
