Converting RCA to XLR

I currently have an OPPO 205 media player that I'm using for stereo / 5.1 audio play back on an old amp. The 205 has 2 stereo XLR's and also RCA's for all of the outputs. I just bought and is in transit, a Parasound Halo A51. I would like very much to use those 2 stereo XLR balanced outs when playing stereo music, but of course I would also like to play 5.1. The issue is the remaining 205's outs aren't XLR's.

The A51 has a switch located on the back of the unit, to switch from balanced to unbalanced, I'm assuming that's kinda like switching from XLR to RCA. So could I plug all RCA's and XLR's in the A51 (that would mean doubling up the XLR and RCA on the front left and front right) and then manually throw the switch back and fourth depending on stereo vs 5.1? That doesn't seem right.I've also seen:
  • XLR converters that the RCA interconnect cable plugs into.
  • and similary cables with RCA on one end and XLR on the other.
Are these converters and or the RCA / XLR cables any good? Or should I be doing/looking for something completely different?
Thanks for your help...
I want to say the issue here is that you may still have some noise, where (from my reading) full XLR takes care of any noise issues. Otherwise it will work fine.
You need an end-to-end, full XLR setup in order to realize the improvement. Adapters are for use as a necessity to match a component with only RCA's.