Controlling Levinson Amp via Ethernet


I just purchased a Levinson 532H amplifier and was reading up in the manual & serial protocol document that you can control it via an ethernet port. My goal is to be able to turn the amplifier on/off from my computer.

Notes on commanding per the Levinson serial protocol document:
"An external host controller can use the external protocol to control and monitor the operation of the No5 Series Power Amplifiers. The protocol consists of simple ASCII character set based commands, which are passed to the amplifier as command packets via the Ethernet port."

I believe I should be able to power on the amplifier by sending it a command such as this:

I'm able to connect to the amplifier via the network and open the status webpage, so I know the ethernet connection is working. I have also scanned its ports and found that ports 21 (ftp) and 80 (http) are open. I have also tried using Hyperterminal to send the command to ports 21 and 80 but could not get that to work.

Anyone know how a simple way to send ASCII commands via ethernet? All the google search I seem to do come up with fancy C++ codes, and I'm not a big programmer. I would just like a simple script to send a single command.


Showing 1 response by almarg

I did some Googling, but as you found the answer is more elusive than might be expected. I did find a utility called TCPLine, which seems like it might do the job (if you are using Windows). A screenshot is shown here.

Hope that helps. Regards,
-- Al