continued resuraction attempt of an old paradigm passive suwoofer sb-100 series

Again, Thanks for everyone for their previous advice.  So, from what I got from everyone here I concluded I needed a power amp to make my paradigm subwoofer sb-100 series speaker work.  I went forward on the CHEAP side.  I purchased a Lepy ONEU amp.  It has 2 rca left and right inputs and wired output to both regular speakers and for a sub.  For my first test I hooked up my cd player directly to it and hooked a pair of working speakers to the correct speaker  outputs.  Turned it all on and it sounded OK.  I switched the wires to the sub outputs, got a very bass oriented, but quite audible response from my polk bookshelf speakers. When I then connected it to my Denon amp AVR-1905 5.1 80 W rec through the rca sub out (initially I split it so that I could rum 1 line to my very small atom powered sub and another rca line to the the ONEU amp) I got no response from the paradigm sub. I know that the denon amp has a crossover and the powered atom sub, and the passive paradigm all have crossovers in them. I then connected the paradigm sub with no splitter and got no response.  I then took 2 rca splitters out of my cd player sent both L/R signals to my denon amp and sent the other 2 out to the ONEU amp and attached it to my paradigm sub and got a very nice response when playing a cd!!  Sorry for the long post.  WHAT don't I get with these connections!!  Any advice would be greatly appreciared.  I do not wish to put much more $$ into this reclamation project!