Contemplating other amps

B&W N802's in front, 804's for surrounds, HTM1 Center. I've narrowed my amp search down to Bryston or Pass so far, but was reading up today on Aragon and ATI. Any thoughts on these as matches with the B&W's? Some more info about my situation:

Room - 20x20 with carpet, overstuffed couches and large paintings on all walls. Room also opens into staircase running length of wall to upstairs, landing area into dining room and hall into kitchen. So I have some space to fill and some absorption.

Listening - Concert DVD's 40% of time, DVD-Audio or SACD in 5 channel 30% of time, movies in 5 channel 20%, and straight out 2 channel 10% of the time.

I like to play it loud and listen more for clean delivery, soundstage and headroom than details and nuance.

Showing 1 response by socrates

I would add the PS Audio HCA-2 to your list. I have big parties at my home every month or so and have lots of European friends, and that means my 87dB full range speakers blast Techno from 1:00am to 4:00am at dance-club volumes on the make-shift dance floor that once was my listening room. The HCA-2 is the ONLY amp I've owned (among many more expensive amps, some putting out 250-300wpc) that could run at full tilt all night without even breaking a sweat. I'm sure it could handle "real music" and any movie thrown at it at the same levels. It never gets warm, never shuts down, never clips, and all the while sounds highly refined, silky smooth yet impeccabley detailed and bass performance that no amp under $6K I've heard can compete with, at least in my setup. There supposedly is a multichannel version of their digital amp coming out, but haven't been following the specifics.