Contact Dennis Had?

Does anyone have any idea how to contact Dennis Had? I was hoping to ask him a couple of questions about my amp. 

Thanks! Greg

Showing 2 responses by oldhvymec

What happened to your V12R? Are you having issues? One of the best amps ever made.

So is it Upgrades, running hot, leaking oil or blowing fuses? :-)

I asked the same question two years ago and folks here on AG contacted me that knew him. There was not a single question I asked I didn’t get an answer for. I was politely told he was retired.

Every question I ask was answered on a thread I started. I knew NOTHIG about the V12R. I sure do now.. A wealth of information here on AG IF you listen..

I want to contact Bill Gates and ask him questions.. Lots of luck with that too.. :-)

Ask a QUALITY question and you’ll get a QUALITY answer.

Other than sending a person a Christmas card and thanking them for their contribution to the audio world, why on EARTH would you want to disturb them.

What’s wrong with my amp or where should I send it is a good reason to retire..

I still get phone calls from people I worked with from years gone past. They can contact ME because I (not someone else) left them a way to do it.. Did Mr Had leave you contact information? Me neither.. I respect that.. He has a code you just got to know it...

Ask a quality question you’ll get a quality answer..

SO is it an Upgrades, running hot, leaking oil, heard a pop or blowing fuses? :-)

Please have your credit card ready.. :-) I mean you were going to pay him right?

BTW prices doubled.. Covid ay..

Cantankerous Regards.. AS I install my new parts in my OLD Six Pacs that are brand new NOW.. Cute little things.