Constant noisy tubes maybe go solid state?

I have a Quicksilver Line Stage Preamp (12AT7) mated to an Odyssey Khartago Stereo. Overall I like it. Way too much gain but I digress. Weeks after receiving it I rolled in a few different tubes, kinda fun to color the sound signature. I liked rhe RXA black plates I got and those stuck around for more than a year. They started going microphonic and making noises so I ordered another pair (noisy) then another different vendor (blasts of white noise) and another set that arrived today (one is noisy as holy hell and one seems fine).

So where does one order preamp quality tunes that are quiet? Is there something I’m not requesting when ordering? Maybe dump
snd go solid state? I’m trying to be humorous because I’m pissed. Ha.

Showing 8 responses by aj523

Question.  Ear to speaker driver, or some distance away, at what volume level determines noisy problem? Half way ?  For example at 50 (halfway on my knob), barely audible with ear to drivers but at 60 start to hear hiss more prominently.  
Any opinions on Tube Depot?

And can I please get educated on what add on options on tubes mean like
balanced triode
high gain
low noise and microphonic?

Thanks. But like at Tube depot, they have an incremental charge of $4 for "Low Noise & Microphonics" which based on your description would seem to be binary or incompatible....? Is this a good option to choose ?

And next, when we use the term quiet or noisy are we talking solely about the hiss in the speaker drivers ? Really a nob question 😞
Personally I prefer solid state powering my dedicated home theater.  And for music much prefer the tonality and nuances to an all tube analog front end.  


Does a faint white noise degrade the sound somehow particularly if its barely audible without putting your ear to the driver? 

I was just asking a general question about hiss/hum from speaker drivers either ear up to driver or 3 feet away. As one turns the volume up when should it be noticeable and then turning it down when should it not?  Thx !

Thx dude! My entire system - phonostage, preamp, amp, are tubes and I have an Audioquest Niagara 5000. I think you’re right though, my home theater is solid state and dead quiet. Idk worth the compromise for me and it’s not audible until the volume is at least half way turned up with my ear pressed against the speaker. At a couple of feet away no level is audible but of course I’m 53. Lol.  
The 20/20 LPS is so summer 2020 lol. I had since moved on to the new Sutherland Duo LPS ver.
But recently I was given the opportunity to demo from the same retailer a brand new Zesto Andros Deluxe2 and go head to head with the DUI for up to 30 days. That’s what I’m doing now and both have their strengths and weaknesses but quite frankly the Zesto piece is quite a bit more dynamic (and quite a bit more money) with amazing separation of instruments, so the sonics are stunning but at the expense of it being a little noisier. The Duo is dead dead quiet.