consolidate audio refinement, NAD to majik ds-i?

Hi everyone,

I have always loved linn gear and have had a few pairs of linn tukans (still own one pair) and two linn classik music integrateds.

My current system consists of the following -

- linn classik as CD player
- project Expression 1 with carbon arm and, speedbox project phono preamp
- motorolla cable tv box
- sony bluray player and netflix streamer
- xbox for gaming
- squeezebox with welborne labs power supply upgrade

- NAD T163 7.1 preamp / processor
- HDMI from video sources to TV is handled by a HDMI switchbox

- audio refinement multi 5 (5 channel amp made by YBA) setup in biamp mode with linn K400

- tekton 6.5t biamp with linn k400

Great overall sound but looking to simplify and upgrade to -

source / control / amp:
- oppo BDP 93, CD / bluray playback, digial stereo out
- motorolla cable tv box, digital stereo out
- xbox, digital stereo out
- project Expression I (ditch the project phono preamp)
- all of above into majik ds-i, with linn k400 in biwire mode

- tekton 6.5t biwire with linn k400

I'm sure all the source in the second section is considered quite an upgrade, but I was wondering if the amp section in the ds-i would keep up or exceed the audio refinement multi 5?



I've owned lots of Linn stuff.

Not sure how efficient your speakers are, but the linn will be quite a step down in power from the multi5. I think the Linn pre-amp section would be better than the NAD, so you are trading up in pre amps and down in power amps.

Linn wire only works in an all Linn system (amp and speakers) and bi-wiring usually adds nothing so that is kind of a wash.

The Oppo will be better for blueray than the Sony, but inferior to the Linn classik for CD playback.

So I'm not sure you are gaining much in the end with these changes. It will just be different.

Sounds like you are just making changes to make changes.