Considering the Pro-ject Box CD RS2 Transport ? You might want to read this, first.

I recently bought one of these and soon returned it.

In terms of SQ, it clearly outperformed my Simaudio 260DT so I've no complaints in that regard. 

However, I could not get used to its toy-like dimensions.

It would not stay stationary, due to its light weight, so I had to hold it in place with one hand while operating its tiny buttons and loading/unloading discs with the other. 

Needless to say, this issue was only exacerbated once I placed it atop my preferred footers.

While audiophile geishas may find it ideally-sized, I found it highly impractical.

Given that our only current choices for this new drive are the Pro-ject and the 28K Gryphon, it would seem there's an empty niche in the market for a reasonably affordable alternative, housed in a full-sized case. 

To be fair, Steve Guttenberg did grumble a little about ergonomics but on the whole, reviewers' attention has been fixed squarely upon the Pro-ject's undeniable virtues.  

I'm not suggesting everyone will experience what I've experienced nor am I attempting to dissuade anyone from buying this unit- my aim here is simply to shine a light on what's been, so far at least, largely absent from discussions I've encountered. 





Showing 20 responses by stuartk

FYI: the unit I returned is now available at TMR at an "open box price, for anyone looking for a deal on this transport. 

Thanks for the positive reinforcement, nonoise  ;o)

The Pro-ject has convinced me that a superior transport makes a significant difference.  



I'd have thought my original post would've clarified the fact that I'm not on a campaign to bad-mouth the product. Were it offered in a more conventionally-sized and weighted case, I'd have no complaints.  

Nevertheless, no matter how many times the Pro-ject's attributes are enumerated,  it will not change the fact that I find its ergonomics very awkward.

It occurred to me that there could be others who might have a similar experience and it's those individuals to whom the thread is addressed. 

That's all there is to it-- there's no nefarious plot to ruin its reputation and no damsel in need of rescuing, as far as I can tell. 











"The Pro-ject has convinced me that a superior transport makes a significant difference". Amen brother👍"

Glad you understand me ! 


Thanks for the suggestions.

I've sworn off Chinese components.  I will either wait for the (seemingly mythical) Urd to appear or try Bryston's CDP that uses older Steam Unlimited technology.

No-- it will not equal the Pro-ject but may still best the Moon. 



@nonnoise: I'd buy the Aqua in a heartbeat if I could afford it!  

@charlesidad: I'm sorry for misunderstanding your intent. 

@gdprenkidz: I'd agree that it would be very difficult to find something better in terms of SQ.

@audio-union: How do you know when to replace the belts and how often is that required? 

@papadog, nonnoise, pedroeb:  I'd tried Oreas about a year ago under all my  components and to my ears their performance was insignificant compared to the Symposium footers. I'll grant that it's possible they could behave differently with the RS2. I still don't like the size of the Pro-ject, though.  

@happyship: I'll await their arrival with interest.

RE: "audiophile Geisha", what I meant to convey was that the delicacy required to handle/operate the Pro-ject would come naturally to a Geisha. 

Perhaps I'm particularly ham-handed but I have zero ergonomic issues operating the Simaudio transport. 

Maybe the typos above are evidence that I am in fact less manually dexterous than most! ;o) 

BTW, I'm a half-decent guitar player, so it's not like I'm totally uncoordinated when it comes to manipulating my digits. The Sim transport poses no issues for me.

Also, resolution has never been my topmost priority when it comes to audio, so this factors into my decision process as well.

In fact, I've been looking for speakers and over and over again I encounter reviewers' comments about forward/hot/tipped-up treble. Seems this is the current fashion, like 1 3/4" nuts on acoustics. 


Thanks for your suggestion. I still found it too small. Just not for me. 


Sorry for the confusion-- I only meant to say that because resolution is not my highest priority, returning the Pro-ject was not as big a deal as it might be for others. I wasn't making any negative judgments about the Pro-ject itself. 

I was, however, complaining about the prevalence of speakers that (unlike the Prop-ject) end up with fatiguing highs (fatiguing for someone like me who is very sensitive to any harshness that region) because the designer(s) apparently choose to prioritize resolution above all else.  

Hope this makes at least a little more sense. . . 


I thought I'd try the Bryston BCD-3 as an alternative (yes, I'm well aware that it doesn't utilize the same Steam Unlimited mechanism as the RS2) but was told by Audio Advisor that Bryston is unable to provide eta's for any components, due to severe supply chain issues!  I hope the company can survive. 

Guess that leaves the Urd. . . hopefuly,  waiting for the Urd won't turn out to be akin to "Waiting for Godot". 


"I cannot agree about the complaints about the size and the weight"

It's entirely subjective, as I've said all along and as such, is not something to be debated. 

Hi Charles;

Yes-- I know about its reputation, thanks. 

While I don't begrudge the Chinese people having access to the global economy, my strong aversion to their government's policies, at home and abroad, is a stumbling block I'm simply unable to circumvent at present. I realize this may be viewed by some as irrational but that's where I'm at. 





Thanks, Charles. Looks like it will probably be the Urd, at this point. . . 

I wish!  

I'll just have to wait (along with everyone else) for an announcement from Schiit (hopefully within 3 or 4 months) regarding availability.

I thought it was supposed to be out this year but it's not looking like that's gonna happen, at this point. 

I'm OK with this, though, Charles.

It's not like I have any major complaints about my Sim. 




I was really hoping to try the Bryston, which I suspect would better the Sim at retrieving data from the disc.  

However, I've just bought a Hegel H390, which should, in a different way, produce

a more articulate presentation from the system.

This also means I can't afford a Bryston.  I could afford the Schiit, if it ever steps out of the land of unicorns and into physical reality.   

Why did you go with the Pro-ject PS rather than the Linear Tube Audio unit? I'm curious. 



I misunderstood; I thought you'd bought Pro-ject's own LPS.

From your description, the Fidelizer sounds like a great unit!