Considering getting a CD player (again). Used? New? Criteria?

After years without one, I'm considering getting a CD player. I'm not against streaming, but I have many CD's and would like the simplicity of just playing them from time to time. I probably want to cap my expenditure at $700, or so, because this won't be the only way I play music.

A few questions:
If you've purchased a new CD player, what did you buy? Why?
If you've purchased a used player, how old is too old? What factors helped you choose?

My concern with used is that the transport mechanism of older players will be getting tired, and this won't be knowable just because a unit "checks out" with the site (or individual) testifying to the player's working condition. There's got to be an average point for many machines to give up the ghost, mechanically (varying from machine to machine, of course).

Showing 1 response by iopscrl

I would purchase a universal player with a digital output so you can add a DAC to improve sound.  There are a lot of DVD-A and SACD disc floating around, they do sound very good.  A universal player will allow you to dip you toe in or indulge as your mood suits.

Various OPPO models are obvious choices.  There are several Marantz models that both sound good, and represent good value- specifically the special editions and Ken Ishiwata (sp?) signature editions.

I have a Pioneer Elite DV-79i for when I want to spin silver discs.